Please complete the form to be added to our talent network!
(For those living in CA north of Bakersfield, please select "Northern or Central California." For those in CA living south of Bakersfield, please select "Southern California.")
(By selecting "No", you will receive general information about DOS opportunities.)
Please note that this is not an application.
Privacy Act Statement
AUTHORITY: The information on this form is requested under the authority of the Congress in the Foreign Service Act of 1980: 22 U.S.C. §2651a. Organization of the U.S. Department of State and 5 U.S.C. §3111 Acceptance of Volunteer Service.

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this website will be used to inform, engage, and recruit diverse prospects to pursue careers, internships, and fellowships with the U.S. Department of State. The information furnished may also be used to analyze and evaluate diversity recruitment efforts and to provide information relevant to the individual’s career interest and to justify the importance of diversity recruitment to Congress.

ROUTINE USES: No information on this form will be shared externally outside of the U.S. Department of State. More information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in System of Records Notice, STATE-31, Human Resource Records.

DISCLOSURE: Providing this information is voluntary. Failure to provide the information requested on this website may result in the U.S. Department’s inability to contact the prospect about opportunities.
